Do you know that driving your car or sitting without adequate back support can create a great deal of stress on the lower back which often causes pains in your lower back after sitting or driving for a long time?
If you are having back pains that doesn't seem to be getting better that is because you are not giving your back the support it needs. This pains can extend to your hips, legs and even shoulders.
Special Lumbar Back Support
This car support can:
A lumbar back support helps promote good posture by simply filling in the gap between the lumbar spine and the seat, supporting the natural inward curve of the lower back.
The lower portion of the spine, just above the buttocks, naturally curves inward toward the belly (the lordotic curve).
Without lumbar back support, it's more difficult to maintain the correct posture - and the lumbar spine and large muscles in the lower back have to work harder to support the proper curvature and alignment.
Over time, as the body tires, the muscles holding the spine in such a position tend to become weak, and the head and upper back tend to lean forward to compensate the weakening of the lumbar muscles.
With a lumbar back support on your car seat, the muscles surrounding the spine are relieved of much of the responsibility of having to keep the spine naturally curved.
This lumbar car seat support is especially important when seated for a long time.
This device cost N25,000 for 1 piece, and you definitely know that it really worth the price
Get this support tool and save yourself from back pains which could literally result to other health issues.
However, If you order this lumbar car support before the counter hits zero, you get this at a ridiculous discount. You get this piece at N20,500 instead of N25,000 the normal price it goes for.
If you order before the counter hits zero, you will get an extra 1 for free
This means you are getting 2 at the price of 1, meaning instead of paying N41,000 for both of them you will pay N20,500 instead. What is more cool than getting more value than what you paid for?
Hurry to get it before the counter hits zero
Please DO NOT fill the Order form if you are not ready to pay for this Lumbar car seat support in the next 1-3 business days that it will take to get to you
We incur a lot of costs to cover the delivery of this product across Nigeria while still maintaining a reduced price, so to avoid a waste of time and resources, we plead with you to order ONLY if you are ready for this product.
So If you’re READY, Let’s Get You Your Order Now!!!
NOTE: You are to pay N2,000 commitment fee to our company account, then you balance up when the product gets to you. This helps us sieve out unserious buyers who trick us to send product to them when they know they will not pay for it
Fill Out The Order Form Below Correctly To Place an Order Now!!!
We give you a guarantee that this product works well and to ensure that, you can test it as soon as our delivery agent delivers it to you and if it is not what you want you can ask for a refund and we will give you.
Your comfort is our priority.
For further enquiries, send a WhatsApp message to 08129815038
Remember, that you have few days left to take this awesome offer. See timer to see how many days you have left
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