Now you can conveniently say goodbye to lies and falsehood in your house, shop, church, office etc and know exactly all that is happening without been there physically
Do you desire to know what people say and do in your absence? Worry no more, we have your perfect solution
Watch Video To See How It Works
This is Your Best Chance To Monitor and keep an eye on your Properties; House, Office, Hospital, Shop/Restaurant, etc and keep a proper record of activities that occurred in your absence.
And BEST of ALL – You can do this discreetly Starting Today.
This wireless HD WIFI bulb camera has a 6 glass fish eye lens that can capture even the smallest object in a room/hall.
It supports simultaneous viewing on different devices (android, ios, windows) to enable you watch while you’re out and you can view from anywhere you are in the world.
It has a 2 way audio and video recording with built in speaker and microphone which means you can listen and speak with it.
It is a 360 degree panoramic camera which means it supports viewing at different angle.
It has an SD card slot for recording.
N.B: you can record locally by inserting memory card into the bulb. When you are back, you can plug and play to view all that has been recorded
I bought two without any regret.
I have been looking for such a security gadget for a long time. This model is awesome! Night Vision makes it very convenient in the dark.
Got my package on time, thank you for the quality packaging and quick delivery.
I Used it as my chandelier light, and it was awesome. Even at night. This is amazing
This device cost N30,000 for 1 piece, and you definitely know that it really worth the price
If you disagree, think about the ills and troubles this will deliver you from. How people won't be able to steal from you and even cheat you, how you can know every happening around you just from your phone
Can you now see that it really worth the price? However, we have a bonus for you
We are giving you DISCOUNT + FREE DELIVERY + PAYMENT ON DELIVERY for our SPY BULB CAMERA – limited time offer!
Promo ends on Saturday, 6th March. See timer to see how much time you have left
And If you order this Car Scanner Today before the counter hits zero we will give you at a huge discount price of N30,000 N25,000 instead of the regular amount
Please DO NOT fill the Order form if you are not ready to pay for the Wifi Camera Bulb in 1-3 business days that it will take to get to you, or if you may travel, or be too busy to receive the delivery.
We incur a lot of costs to cover the delivery of this product across Nigeria while still maintaining a reduced price, so to avoid a waste of time and resources, we plead with you to order ONLY if you are ready for this product.
So If you’re READY, Let’s Get You Your Order Now!!!
NOTE: you are to pay N2,000 commitment fee to our company account, then you balance up when the product gets to you. This helps us sieve out unserious buyers who trick us to send product to them when they know they will not pay for it
We understand how important it is to you to seeing your cars free of dents and we guarantee you that this product is your sure bet to this.
If you order from us, we give you a guarantee that this product works well and to ensure that, you can test it as soon as our delivery agent delivers it to you and if it is not what you want you can ask for a refund and we will give you.
Our joy is to see you happy
For further enquiries, send a WhatsApp message to 08129815038
Remember, that you have few days left to take this awesome offer. See timer to see how many days you have left
Address: Behind Wisdom Market, Pipeline Rumukrusi, Port HarCourt
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